Monday, February 9, 2009

Works Cited

Dickman, Sharon "Video Game Addiction." The Science Teacher 74 No. 2 Pg. 20 (December 26, 2006) January 30, 2009 <>.

Rogers, Anni Layne “More Than A Game.” Fast Company No. 58 Pg. 46,48 (September 11, 2008) January 30, 2009 < >.

Gunther Marc “The Newest Addiction” Fortune v. 140 No. 3 Pg. 122-4 (August 2, 1999) January 30, 2009 <>

Zangeneh, Masood “Editorial” International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction V. 5 No. 2 (April 2007) January 30, 2009 <>

Clark, Amy S “Detox for Video Game Addiction?” CBS News Web MD July 3, 2006. January 30, 2009 <>

Faiola, Anthony “When Escape Seems Just a Mouse-Click Away” Washington Post May 27, 2006. January 30, 2009 <>

“Video Game Addiction: Is it Real?” Harris Interactive April 2, 2007. January 30, 2009 <>

Study Finds Computer Addiction is Linked to Impulse Control Disorder” The Austrailian October 24, 2006. January 30, 2009 <>

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