Monday, February 16, 2009

Quote #5

The quote "America's addiction to video games is leading the way to a brand-new advertising platform with astounding click-through rates, play times, and peer-to-peer potential" made me think about how video games are affecting us as a culture. It say that video games are growing form something that has been enjoyed by a select few to something mainstream and widely enjoyed. This is relevant to online video game addiction because the more widely used it is, the more the group of people it can have negative effects on. I don't think the numbers will be that much higher but there is always a possibility. I also think that the more mainstream it gets the more people will become knowledgeable and there will be fewer misconceptions. I feel the video game addiction is like any other addiction. Many people may use the product but it’s only a few that end up having a problem controlling their use of it.

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