Monday, February 16, 2009

Quote #4

I found the quote "Kids and adults will stay glued to video games this holiday season because the fun of playing actually is rooted in fulfilling their basic psychological needs" to be insightful. It made me think about the types of games that I play and why I play them. Two types of games that I like to play are FPSs and RPGs. A FPS or First Person Shooter is a game that involves the player going against either the computer or other players. In an RPG or Role Playing Game the players usually takes control of many characters or a party and fights against monsters, with the goal usually of saving the world. In a FPS many think it’s about killing, but I think of it differently. I think of it as survival, you against the world. Being the most important person in the world and the center of attention. With RPGs it tends to focus more on customization and using what you think works best for you. You manage various characters and their stats, equipment, and skills. Usually you are trying to save the world from some disaster. These types of games I have found to be more attuned to my mindset.

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