Monday, February 16, 2009

Quote #2

When I read the quote "In South Korea, the nation that experts describe as home to the world's most extreme gamer culture, authorities are alarmed by what many here are calling an epidemic of electronic game addiction" I thought it could be helpful in my research. My friends and I had always made jokes about how all they did in South Korea was play video games. We had always heard that the type of games that they preferred were the kind that could be played for long hours. When this quote told of how it was becoming a problem it made me wonder about the type of culture they had. In our culture it seemed that in the past online gaming was something the relatively small group and not mainstream. Although in recent years games like World of Warcraft have changed that. In South Korea their culture appears that this sort of behavior seemed to be the mainstream thing. This made me think that addiction might not only target people with certain personalities, but also societies. Of course this doesn't mean that that everyone in South Korea that plays online games has a problem, or that they play games at all. It’s just that they used to word epidemic, and they would not have used it if they did not believe that they had a problem.

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