Monday, February 16, 2009

Detox for Video Game Addiction?

This article was written by Amy S Clark. She writes about an addiction treatment center in Amsterdam in the Netherlands that treats kids for video game addiction. She goes on the discuss how detox for video games sounds a little far out at first but that experts say it makes sense. People often wonder if video games can truly be addicting and experts say it's a clinical impulse control disorder, an addiction similar to compulsive gambling. She explain how one expert, Michael Brody, MD, set the criteria for recognizing addictive behaviors. It's as follows:
1. The person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep him going.
2. If the person does not get more of the substance or behavior, he becomes irritable and miserable.
Experts say that compulsive gaming meets these criteria. They say some addicts they have seen "become angry, violent, or depressed. If parents take away the computer, their child sits in the corner and cries, refuses to eat, sleep, or do anything at all." Compared to drugs, video games may seem relatively harmless. Children who play four or five hours a day have no time for socializing, doing homework, or playing sports. Warning signs for video game addiction including:
1. Playing for increasing amounts of time
2. Thinking about gaming during other activities
3. Gaming to escape from real-life problems, anxiety, or depression
4. Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming
5. Feeling irritable when trying to cut down on gaming
In addition, video game addicts can become isolated, drop out of their social networks and give up other hobbies.

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